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  • 12/04/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Recent sunspot activity -- which ended on November 22 -- pushed up the moving average we've been tracking for several years. Because we have all the data for November, we now have the most recent 3-month average of daily sunspot numbers, which centers on
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  • 11/30/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Our exciting period of nearly daily sunspot activity ended with the first spotless day on November 23 and the Sun has been blank since then. A look at the STEREO image shows a bright active area, perhaps five days over the eastern horizon, but we don't kn
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  • 11/25/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    This edition of the Solar Update will be brief. Since ARRL Headquarters is closed on Thanksgiving Day and the day after, I hope to have another bulletin out Monday morning to catch up with the sunspot, solar flux and geomagnetic data information.
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  • 11/20/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Sunspot 1029 made its trip around the Sun and has re-emerged as sunspot 1032. A new sunspot 1033 has come over the Sun's eastern limb. This steady appearance of sunspots has raised the MUF over many paths, and 15 meters is beginning to open regularly.
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  • 11/13/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Sunspot region 1029 disappeared after October 30, but not because it faded away -- it was transiting over our Sun's western horizon on its trip around the back side. Six days after it was gone, a new region -- region 1030 -- appeared for several days, Nov
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  • 11/06/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    In addition to the sunspot group 1029 that graced us from October 23-30, a new Solar Cycle 24 spot -- 1030 -- just emerged on Thursday. It is currently in a maximally geo-effective position (in other words, in the center longitudinal meridian as viewed fr
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  • 10/30/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Well, what a week it has been. The solar flux hit 82.3 on Tuesday, the highest recording yet since the first-observed "new cycle sunspot" in January 2008, the "official" visual start of Solar Cycle 24. Even as I write this, the flux is
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  • 10/23/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    A tiny Solar Cycle 24 sunspot group -- numbered 1028 -- emerged briefly on Tuesday, October 20, and then was gone. This is another brief phantom sunspot, teasing us with hints of the expected increase in activity that never seems to manifest. Of course, t
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